I have another confession to make. I kind of like to plan too much. I've known for as long as I can remember that I am a planner. I will always be a planner. Planning things out simply makes me stay sane and allows me to accomplish whatever it is I need to accomplish. It is a trait that I know will lead me to success as a teacher and has led me to success as a student. However, there comes a point when planning can be taken too far.
I enjoy planning things that shouldn't be planned. I'm not talking about writing out planned meals for a whole week, or even planning someone's life. I'm taking about planning my life when I don't even know certain aspects of it yet. Ultimately in the end, when things do not go the way I absurdly planned them too, I get disappointed and begin to formulate a new plan.
This summer I learned how to tone down on the planning a bit a become a little more spontaneous. Little did I know the small spontaneous things I did ended up teaching me a valuable lesson about planning my future; DON'T DO IT.
A good friend of mine, Mark Valentino (who has an awesome new blog), recently wrote a blog post on destiny and he compared it to a feather blowing in the wind. I thought the comparison was genius. I've always tried to plan so many things out that I often times missed simply "going with the wind". I know from personal experience that sometimes life can surprise you. Sometimes you may think a relationship is over, but years down the line you eventually meet again. You may believe that job that didn't hire you was your dream job, but you quickly discover something even better. You simply never know where life is going to bring you. This is not something to fear, it is something to embrace.
Let your life float around like a feather in the wind. You never know where it might land.